Water Quality
Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological status or characteristics of water. It is a measure of the status of water relative to the requirements of biological species or to any human requirement. The assessment of water quality is typically undertaken by comparing the measured water quality with standards relating to the health of ecosystems, safety of human contact and potability of drinking water.
TMS Environment Ltd consultants have extensive experience in the assessment and management of water quality. Assessments range from routine water sampling and analysis exercises for purposes such as compliance monitoring to complex assessments of baseline water quality and predictions of the impacts of proposed developments on the quality and quantity of water in a particular setting.
Our technical capabilities include the following:
- Surface water, groundwater, drinking water, effluent sampling and analysis
- Baseline water quality assessments
- Water abstraction source assessments and protection schemes
- Environmental impact assessments
- Macro-invertebrate studies (Q-rating)
- Dewatering quantitative and qualitative impact assessment
- Catchment characterisation and management
- Water pollution assessment, management and remediation schemes
- Hydrological Impact Assessment
- Licence and Permit applications