
We have a particularly long and well established track record in odour monitoring, assessment, management and control. We provide ambient air, workplace and emissions monitoring services as well as consultancy services for the assessment, management and control of odours.
Most of the odour assessments carried out by our consultancy team involve a tiered assessment of odours which includes the following stages:
- Studies typically commence with an Odour Audit which focuses on an in depth audit of the processes and activities which could lead to odour generation and release and ranks the potential odour sources in terms of potential significance.
- Many studies then involve monitoring and quantitative assessment of the odour sources using international standard methods for the sample collection and olfactometric analysis of the samples.
- Assessment of the potential impact of the odour sources normally requires numerical modelling when dealing with emissions and other predictive techniques when indoor and ambient monitoring is carried out.
- When management of odour emissions is of interest, a review and evaluation of the suitability and effectiveness of odour control strategies Is undertaken and the advice offered includes recommendations on improvements where required.
Odour assessments are often undertaken for compliance monitoring purposes eg when the industry or activity is associated with routine complaints of odour arising from activities and the performance of an odour control system must be evaluated. Other assessments are undertaken to investigate nuisance complaints either in relation to residential or commercial tenants or for sensitive developments adjoining odorous industrial facilities.
Our experienced team of specialists have worked in all industry sectors and can offer a range of services as follows:
- Emissions monitoring
- Indoor air quality monitoring
- Odour nuisance Investigations in the workplace and external environment
- Modelling and impact assessment
Our consultants and monitoring personnel are supported by specialist analytical services from our INAB accredited laboratory.