Hydrogeology is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in soil and rocks. It is a very specialised area of study, and the importance of studies in this area has increased significantly with the enactment of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The Water Framework Directive requires that groundwater quality and quantity must be protected.
Our hydrogeologists specialise in groundwater impact and risk assessment and our technical capabilities include the following:
- Hydrogeological site investigation
- Pumping tests and yield assessments
- Development of hydrogeological conceptual models
- Assessment and monitoring of dewatering operations
- Groundwater / surface water interaction assessments
- Hydrogeological impact assessments for Environmental Impact Assessments
- Recharge feasibility assessments and design of trial and full scale recharge systems
- Water resource evaluation studies
- Contaminated land investigations and assessments
For more information email us at: info@tmsenv.ie