Flood Risk Assessment
Flooding is a natural process and can happen at any time in a variety of locations. Understanding flood risk is an essential step in managing the impacts of flooding. The assessment of risk requires an understanding of where the water comes from, how and where it flows, and the people/assets affected by it.
The Irish Government issued new guidelines on the Planning System and Flood Risk Management in November 2009 which oblige Planning Authorities to request a flood risk assessment for developments in flood prone areas.
Our technical team has experience in preparing flood risk assessments and our capabilities include the following:
- Desk studies: flood history, catchment characteristics, extreme rainfall and hydrometric data analysis (water levels & flows)
- Hydrological assessments: predicted rainfall-runoff responses, design flood flow magnitudes and flood hydrographs
- Assessment of potential river flood levels (site surveying, hydraulic models)
- Screening reports: to identify if any flooding issues with a site that may require further investigation
- Initial Flood Risk Assessments: identify and review all existing information, initial flood risk assessment
- Detailed Flood Risk Assessments: quantitative appraisal of potential flood risks, impacts and mitigation measures
For more information email us at: info@tmsenv.ie