Ambient Air
Ambient air quality surveys may be required for purposes such as planning applications and for complaint investigations. TMS consultants can specify the scope of an ambient air quality survey depending on the specific application and requirements and the extensive experience of the team is invaluable when it comes to choosing the correct methodologies for execution of surveys and investigations.
TMS has carried out surveys for the purpose of IPPC & Waste Licence Applications, Planning Applications, Environmental Impact Assessments, Nuisance Investigations and for internal company objectives. The company is equipped with modern automated monitoring instrumentation as well as traditional less sophisticated monitoring equipment and has carried out extensive surveys which included the following:
- Dust deposition and PM2.5 and PM10
- Diffusion tube surveys
- BTEX and NOx and SO2
- Heavy Metals
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Dioxins, Furans and PCBs
- Odour
- Acid gases – HF, HCl
Baseline surveys are also required for demonstrating compliance with conditions in permits and Licences. For example, facilities that release significant emissions of dust or other pollutants may be required to demonstrate ongoing compliance with limits by undertaking a programme of regular monitoring. We have extensive experience of undertaking assessments of this type and can assist with routine and very complex survey requirements.